University Course Catalog

2024-2025 Course Catalog

2023-2024 course catalog



Any request for course or program information prior to 2021 should be emailed to

Faculty/Administration who would like to propose a new academic course and/or revise a current academic course, should complete the New or Revised Course Form (OUR-1105C) (updated 3 JAN 2022) for submission to the Office of the University Registrar at


USU courses offering are structured in the semester system with some unique educational experiences that expand beyond the traditional semester format.  Coursework that extends beyond one semester will be recorded during the entire course length (multiple terms) and will appear as an 'R' grade until the final semester that earns the letter grade.

Course Registration

School of Medicine - Medical Program (SOM):  

Class Registration for the Pre-Clerkship years, through the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), occurs by cohort based on program requirements.

Class Registration for the Clerkship year: Class Registration for the Clerkship year will occur through the School of Medicine’s software, MedHub. In collaboration with the OUR, the SOM will communicate the exact dates and details for registration with students. Requested changes to any course registrations should be received by the Office of Student Affairs; and finalized registration rosters will be sent to the OUR for processing within the Student Information System (SIS), Empower. All forthcoming Clerkship year registrations (starting with the Class of 2024) will occur through MedHub.

Class Registration for the Post-Clerkship year: Class Registration for the Post-Clerkship year will also occur through the School of Medicine’s software, MedHub. In collaboration with the OUR, the SOM will communicate the exact dates and details for registration with students. Similarly, requested changes to any course registrations should be received by the Office of Student Affairs, and finalized registration rosters will be sent to the OUR for processing within the Student Information System (SIS), Empower. All forthcoming Post-Clerkship year registrations (starting with the Class of 2023) will occur through MedHub.

School of Medicine – Graduate Programs (GEO): Class Registration occurs approximately 4 weeks before the start of the University semester and academic sessions. In collaboration with the OUR, GEO will communicate the exact dates and details for registration with students. Requested changes to any course registrations, should be made using the Registration Adjustment Form (OUR-1105R)

Graduate School of Nursing Programs (GSN): Class Registration, through the OUR, occurs by cohort based on program requirements. Registration occurs approximately 4 weeks before the start of the University semester and academic sessions. In collaboration with the OUR, GSN will communicate the exact dates and details for registration with students. Requested changes to any course registrations, should be made using the Registration Adjustment Form (OUR-1105R).

The College of Allied Health Sciences Programs (CAHS): Class Registration, through the OUR, occurs by cohort based on program requirements.

Post-Graduate Dental College Programs (PDC): Class Registration, through the OUR, occurs by cohort based on program requirements.